Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol

S-HTTP (Secure HTTP) is an extension to the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) that allows the secure exchange of files on the World Wide Web. Each S-HTTP file is either encrypted, contains a digital certificate, or both. S-HTTP provides a wide variety of mechanisms to provide for confidentiality, authentication, and integrity. Separation of policy from mechanism was an explicit goal. The system is not tied to any particular cryptographic system, key infrastructure, or cryptographic format, but it does support the Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) public key infrastructure encryption system. S-HTTP is an alternative to another well-known security protocol, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). A major difference is that S-HTTP allows the client to send a certificate to authenticate the user whereas, using SSL, only the server can be authenticated. S-HTTP is more likely to be used in situations where the server represents a bank and requires authentication from the user that is more secure than a user id and password.

S-HTTP is a superset of HTTP, which allows messages to be encapsulated in various ways. Encapsulations can include encryption, signing, or MAC based authentication. This encapsulation can be recursive, and a message can have several security transformations applied to it. S-HTTP also includes header definitions to provide key transfer, certificate transfer, and similar administrative functions. S-HTTP appears to be extremely flexible in what it will allow the programmer to do.

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